Friday, April 1, 2011

All "A"s

Our session is almost over. Seven ladies will graduate on Friday, April 8th. Two of them will have completed 26 weeks with us and the other five half that amount of time. Our staff and mentors and everyone who has touched their lives in these months has been handing out at least three important "A"s. These three - affection, affirmation, and assistance - are important to anyone going through a transition. Especially at times when we are choosing to make deliberate, systematic changes, we all know what it means to have important people in our lives say, "I love you. I believe in you. I'll help you."

Busy redecorating
As we finish our months of Monday through Friday interaction, we will not stop loving, believing in and assisting our graduates. However, to experience this ongoing care, there is another "A" that we can't give. It has to come from them. Our support will be there, but they must "Access" it.

As you think of those who are about to graduate, pray that they will stay connected. Whether or not we can fulfill our mission "to empower, to establish, and to sustain women's growth in all areas of their lives," depends on a long-term commitment to one another. They have only begun what will be a lifelong journey and we want to walk it with them.

As alumnae, they will have an opportunity to meet monthly in a planned event, be a part of future sessions as volunteers, take continuing education classes of interest to them, and be with mentors and others in spontaneous times. 

Elaine and Becky at Tuesday noon Bible study

We are delighted and encouraged that those who are graduating and not working full-time yet are planning to continue to come to Tuesday noon Bible study and also to finish the redecorating that was begun some months ago.

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